Step 3 - Cache queries

Cache queries in ReadySet

Once your application is sending SQL queries through ReadySet, you can see which queries are cacheable. Queries can be cached in ReadySet only once all tables have finished the initial snapshotting process.

Before attemping to cache a query, check ReadySet's overall snapshotting progress by connecting a SQL shell to ReadySet and running the following custom SQL command:


Look for the row labeled Snapshot Status -- it shoud be either In Progress or Completed.

name            |   value
Snapshot Status | Completed
(1 row)

Once you see the status is Completed ReadySet is ready to cache queries.

If you are unsure what queries to cache, you can run diagnostics with both Postgres and MySQL to ascertain costly queries.

0. Creating a Cache

It's important to note that ReadySet sits between your application and your database. SQL traffic must pass through ReadySet so that it can cache desired queries. You can check to see that an application is successfully connected to ReadySet by using the ReadySet shell and running the commands show proxied queries (you should see queries) or show connections (you should see two connections - one being you in the ReadySet shell and the other being your application).

Once you've identified queries that can benefit from caching with ReadySet, use ReadySet's custom SQL commands to check if the queries are supported and then to cache supported queries in ReadySet.

1. Checking query support

To view all queries that ReadySet has proxied to the upstream database and check if they can be cached in ReadySet, connect to ReadySet via the shell and run:


This command returns a virtual table with four columns:

  • QueryID: A unique identifier for the query.
  • Proxied Query: The text of the query being proxied.
  • ReadySet supported: Whether or not ReadySet can cache the query.
    • If the value is pending, check again until you see yes or no. If the value remains pending for more than 15 seconds, the query is unsupported.
    • If the value is yes, ReadySet can cache the query.
    • If the value is no, ReadySet cannot cache the query.
  • Count: The number of times ReadySet has seen this query.
To successfully cache the results of a query, ReadySet must support the SQL features and syntax in the query. For more details, see SQL Support. ​If an unsupported feature is important to your use case, submit a feature request (opens in a new tab).

2. Cache queries

To cache a query, use:

CREATE CACHE [ALWAYS] [<name>] FROM <query>;
  • <name> is optional. If a cache is not named, ReadySet automatically assigns an identifier.
  • <query> is the full text of the query or the unique identifier (i.e. query id) assigned to the query by ReadySet, as seen in output of SHOW PROXIED QUERIES.
  • ALWAYS is optional. If a cached query is executed inside a transaction (e.g., due to an ORM), use ALWAYS to run the query against ReadySet; otherwise, the query will be proxied to the upstream database with the rest of the transaction.

For example, to cache from the query SELECT "words".* FROM "words" WHERE ("words"."id" = $1) ORDER BY "words"."id" ASC:

CREATE CACHE FROM SELECT "words".* FROM "words" WHERE ("words"."id" = $1) ORDER BY "words"."id" ASC;

You can also grab the query ID from show proxied queries and use that identifier to cache a query. For instance, running show proxied queries shows this table:

      query id      |                 proxied query                 | readyset supported | count
 q_bb6bd342f17bd8cd | SELECT                                       +| yes                |   219
                    |   *                                          +|                    |
                    | FROM                                         +|                    |
                    |   "employees"."employee"                     +|                    |
                    | WHERE                                        +|                    |
                    |   ("last_name" = $1)                          |                    |

You can create a cache for the select query above with its ID (q_bb6bd342f17bd8cd) like so:

CREATE CACHE FROM q_bb6bd342f17bd8cd;

This makes it easier to create caches from a list of queries found in show proxied queries.

3. View cached queries

To show all queries that have been cached, use:


To show a specific cached query, use:

SHOW CACHES where query_id = <query ID>;

This command returns a virtual table with 2 columns:

  • Name: The name assigned to the query by the user, or the ID assigned to the query by ReadySet.
  • Query Text: The SQL source of the query. This is the canonical structure of the query, not the original SQL passed to ReadySet.

4. Remove cached queries

To remove a cache from ReadySet, use:

  • <id> is either the name assigned to the query by the user or the ID assigned to the query by ReadySet, as seen in the output of SHOW CACHES.

After removing a query from ReadySet, any instances of this query will be proxied to the upstream database.